2019.11.19. Immigration Minister Simon Jolin-Barrette said that students already studying under the PEQ –Québec experience program – Québec would be able to complete their studies under the old rules. Adding that the controversial changes to PEQ had been suspended temporarily.
PEQ was created in 2010, and is a prevalent fast-track immigration program that permits qualified international graduates of Quebec schools and people working in the province for more than one year to apply for permanent residence. The accepted applicants receive a Quebec selection certificate which leads to becoming a permanent resident in 20 business days. This process usually takes two to three years.
The new rules would have restricted application for selection through the PEQ to graduates in a suitable area of training and temporary foreign workers employed in an eligible in-demand occupation.
The suspension was mainly due to the testimonials the minister heard from students from around the world who were directly impacted by this change.
The announcement to suspend the new PEQ rules was applauded by universities and the Montreal Chamber of Commerce. However, under the CAQ's changes to the PEQ, the eligible fields of study admissible would be reviewed every year, which meant that students arriving in the province next year could find the program dropped from the list before they finish.
Question about CAQ changes?
Kindly contact JM Immigration Consultancy @ +1 416-904-3815, or by email @ info@onecanadavisa.com.